The 2015 PIRE/ICEICS Workshop Sept. 9th-11th, 2015 will be held at LGGE in Saint-Martin d'Hères (just outside Grenoble, France).
Wed., Sept. 9th--Fri., Sept. 11th, 2015.
- Using ultra-high resolution chemistry and trace gas records to investigate abrupt climate change.
- Development and application of geochemical tools to trace dust provenance.
- Exploring total air content and O2/N2 and their relationship to climate, elevation and firn processes.
- Assessing new strategies for dating ice cores and defining timescale uncertainty
THE 2014 PIRE/ICEICS Workshop was held in Helsingor, Denmark (just outside Copenhagen).
Wed., August 27th-Fri., August 29th, 2014
TOPICS: Ultra high-resolution ice core proxies and processes: data, interpretation, firn processes, and new directions.
The workshop included talks and discussions on the development and interpretation of new ultra high-resolution ice core data (gases, stable isotopes, dust, aerosols, etc.), problems in interpreting and modeling such data, and continuation of PIRE-ICEICS discussions of modeling polar firn processes.
THE 2013 PIRE/ICEICS Workshop was held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sun., September 22nd- Mon., September 23rd, 2013
TOPICS: Advances in modeling and observing firn evolution including firn-air processes.
The workshop included invited speakers, invited attendees included students, post docs, and PIs participating in the PIRE-ICEICS project, and other members of the scientific community.
The 2012 PIRE/ICEICS Workshop was held at the Odaly's Resort in La Londe, Les Maures, France
Fri., September 28th, 2012 -Sat., September, 29th, 2012.
TOPICS: Firn Processes, classical and community models, and methods.
The workshop included invited speakers, invited attendees included students, post docs, and PIs participating in the PIRE-ICEICS project, and other members of the scientific community.
THE 2011 PIRE/ICEICS Workshop was held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Mon., Septermber 26th, 2011
TOPICS: Firn Processes, models, and methods, isotopes.
The workshop included invited speakers, invited attendees included students, post docs, and PIs participating in the PIRE-ICEICS project, and other members of the scientific community.