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Chellman, N.J., J.R. McConnell, M. Arienzo, A. Heyvaert,  and B. Vannière. (2016). Using paired ice core and sediment core records to evaluate Holocene black carbon flux and fire history across the Northern Hemisphere. 2nd Open Science Conference, International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), Hobart, Australia.

C. Max Stevens, Michael J. MacFerrin, Huong Vo, Michael Yoon, and Ed Waddington.(2016) Comparing firn-density model outputs and the role of field measurements in developing next-generation firn models. Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Buizert, E.J. Brook, D. Baggenstos, K.M. Cuffey, T.J. Fudge, B.R. Markle,  J.R. McConnell, R.H. Rhodes, A. Schmittner, J.P. Severinghaus, T. Sowers,  E.J. Steig, K.C. Taylor and WAIS Divide Project Members. (2016). Northern and Southern Hemisphere controls on the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle, IPICS Open Science Conference, Hobart, Australia.

Bereiter, B., J. Severinghaus, S. Shackleton, D. Baggenstos, and K. Kawamura. (2016). Mean ocean temperature change over the last transition based on atmospheric changes in heavy noble gas mixing ratios. European Geophysical Union annual meeting, Vienna, Austria.

Shackleton, S., James Menking, Bernard Bereiter, Ed Brook, Daniel Baggenstos, Alan Seltzer,  and Jeff Severinghaus. (2016). The role of ocean-atmosphere heat exchange through Termination II and the MIS 5-4 transition. IPICS Open Science Conference, Hobart Australia. (poster).

Arienzo, M., and J.R.McConnell. (2015). Antarctic black carbon tracks Southern Hemisphere climate throughout the Holocene, 2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble, France.

Arienzo, M.,  and J.R. McConnell (2015). Antarctic black carbon tracks Southern Hemisphere climate throughout the Holocene, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C21D-07.

McConnell, J.R., M. Arienzo, N. Chellman, M. Curran, D. Fritzsche, S. Kipfstuhl, R. Mulvaney, M. Sigl, J.P. Steffensen, A. Wilson, and A. Yau. (2015). Dust at the Poles during the Past Three Millennium: Linkages to Climate and Land Use (Invited), Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A21L-03.

Severinghaus, J., J.R. Petit, J. McConnell, S. Shackleton, and  D. Baggenstos. (2015). Two-dimensional dust concentration from an outcrop of Last Glacial Maximum ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A21L-04.

Shackleton, S., D. Baggenstos, J. Menking, E. Brook, and J. Severinghaus: Eemian ocean temperature reconstruction from a 'horizontal ice core', (2015).  XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya Japan.(poster)

Shackleton, S., J. Menking, B. Bereiter, D. Baggenstos, E. Brook, T. Bauska, R. Rhodes, J. McConnell, M. Arienzo, A. Yau, and J. Severinghaus. (2015). Last Interglacial Ocean Temperature Reconstruction from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. 2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble France. (poster).

Shackleton, S. (2015). Eemian ocean temperature reconstruction from Taylor Glacier Antarctica. 2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble, France. (poster).

Whelsky, A. (2015) Multidimensional firn structure impacts on gas diffusion.  2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble, France.

Adolph, A. (2015). Verification of a new technique for specific surface from firn cores. 2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble, France. (poster).

Borunda, Alejandra, Winckler, Gisela,  Kaplan, Michael, Goldstein, Steven and Vallelonga, Paul. (2015). WAIS Divide Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic data. 2015 PIRE Annual Meeting Grenoble, France.

Borunda, Alejandra. Dust provenance in West Antarctica over the last glacial cycle.(2015). Geochemistry Seminar, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY.

C. Max Stevens, M.J. MacFerrin, M. Yoon, H. Vo, and E.D. Waddington. (2015). Comparing measured and modeled firn compaction rates in Greenland. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Vo., H. (2015).  Effects of heat diffusion on firn densification within the Greenland Ice Sheet. 2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble, France. (poster).

Stevens, M.(2015). Effects of heat diffusion on firn densification within the Greenland Ice Sheet. 2015 PIRE Conference, Grenoble, France.

Curran, M., A. Moy, J. McConnell, N. Abram, E. Bard, M. Baroni, T. Blunier, J. Chappellaz, A. Chunlei, D. Dahl-Jensen, V. Masson-Delmotte, R. Edwards, D. Etheridge, J. Freitag, S. Kipfstuhl, A. Landais, O. Maselli, S. Phipps, T. Popp, S. Poynter, S. Rasmussen, J. Roberts, J. Savarino, S. Sheldon, M. Sigl, A. Smith, J.P. Steffensen, A. Svensson, P. Vallelonga, T. Vance, T. van Ommen, H. and Winton (2015). Aurora Basin North (ABN) – a new 2000 year ice core record from East Antarctica,  2015 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Jones, T. (2015). INQUA during the "Records from the high southern latitudes" session at the International Union for Quaternary Research, Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization.  Paper presented at WAIS Divide Ice Core: Interpretation of High-Frequency Oscillations in West Antarctica, Nagoya, Japan.

Sigl, M., J.R. McConnell, M. Winstrup, K.C. Welten, G. Plunkett, F. Ludlow, M. Toohey, U. Büntgen, M. Caffee, S. Kipfstuhl, C. Kostick, K. Krüger, O.J. Maselli, R. Mulvaney, and  T.E. Woodruff (2015). Timing, global aerosol forcing, and climate impact of volcanic eruptions during the Common Era, 2015 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Touzeau, A., E. Fourré, M. Baroni, M. Curran, A. Ekaykin, O. Magand, A. Moy, J. McConnell,  and A. Landais (2015). Deciphering influences of temperature, moisture sources, post-deposition effects and stratospheric inputs in records of stable isotopes in East Antarctic snow, 2015 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Vo, H.N.Q., (2015). Spatial Distribution of Close-Off Depth, Age, and Porosity in the Greenland Ice Sheet. UW Undergraduate Research Symposium, Seattle, WA.

McConnell, J.R., M.M. Arienzo, N. Chellman, D. Fritzsche, K.J. Kreutz, S. Kipfstuhl, O.J. Maselli, M. Nolan, D.R. Pasteris, M. Sigl,  and J.P. Steffensen (2014). Dust in the Arctic during the past millennium from a developing array of ice cores: Linkages to climate and land use, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A44C-05.

Keegan, K.M., M.R. Albert, J. McConnell, and I. Baker (2014). Climate change and forest fires synergistically drive widespread melt events of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EosTrans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C24A-01.

McConnell, J., M. Sigl, M.Curran, S. Kipfstuhl, R. Mulvaney, M. Arienzo, N. Chellman, O. Maselli, and D. Pasteris (2014). Black Carbon at WAIS Divide, Presented at the 2014 WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Sigl, M., M. Winstrup, J. McConnell, K. Welten, G. Plunkett, F. Ludlow, M. Salzer, R. Mulvaney, S. Kipfstuhl, U. Buntgen, and D. Dahl-Jensen (2014). Large volcanic eruptions triggered the Dark Age Cold Period and forced temperature history since 2,500 years. Presented at the 2014 WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Dallmayr, Remi, Kenji Kawamura, Rachael Rhodes, Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Vaseilios Gkinis, Kyotaro Kitamura, Motohiro Hirabayashi, and Edward J. Brook. (2014). "Continuous measurements of methane mixing ratio from ice cores: method development at NIPR and initial test with the Mizuho ice-core. National Institute of Polar Research,Tokyo, Japan.


Waddington, E., and Stevens, M. (2014). Viscosity of polar firn, even in models that don’t include viscosity. NorthWest Glaciologists, Fairbanks AK.  

Stevens, M., and Waddington, E. (2014). Air flow in polar firn. NorthWest Glaciologists, Fairbanks AK.

Stevens, M., Lundin, J., Vo, H., Yoon, M., and Waddington, E. (2014). Effects of climate changes on firn properties an gas transport in firn. AGU, San Francisco, CA.

Yoon, M., Waddington, E., Stevens, M. and Vo, H. (2014). Comparison of firn-model outputs for steady-state climates. AGU, San Francisco, CA.

Vo, H., Stevens, M., Yoon, M., and Waddington, E. (2014). Spatial distribution of firn close-off depth, delta age, and depth-integrated porosity in the Greenland Ice Sheet.  AGU, San Francisco, CA.

Borunda, A., Koffman, B., Kaplan, M., Winckler, G., Goldstein, S., Peña, L., Kreutz, K., Vandergoes, M., Dunbar, N., McConnell, J., Koffman, T.,  Biscaye,  P., Bory, A., and Vallelonga, P. (2014). Dust Provenance in West Antarctica. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Borunda, A., Winckler, G.,  Goldstein,  S., Kaplan, M., McConnell, J., and Dunbar, N. (2014). Local Sources for the "Megadust" Events at the WAIS Divide Ice Core, AGU, San Francisco, CA.


Waddington, E. (2014). Reformulating or generalizing the framework within which we think about firn-compaction modeling. PIRE Meeting, Helsingor, Denmark.


Stevens, M., Lundin, J., Vo, H., Yoon, M., Harris, P., Leahy, W. and Waddington, E. (2014).

Updates on the PIRE-funded Community Firn Model and the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment. PIRE Meeting, Helsingor, Denmark.


Winckler, G., Borunda, A., Koffman, B., Recasens, C., Pavia, F., Kaplan, M., Goldstein, S., Schwarz, R., Anderson, R., Lamy, F., Gersonde, R., and Pahnke K. (2014). Dust in the Southern Hemisphere – from Source to Sink. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, CA.

Edwards, Jon (2014). Millennial and Sub-millennial Variability of Total Air Content from the WAIS Divide Ice Core. EGU Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Lee, J., Brook, E., Blunier, T., Bertler, N., and Vallelonga, P. (2014). Continuous and discrete measurements of atmospheric methane from a new ice core from Roosevelt Island. Ross Sea, Antarctica.. European Geophysical Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

Sowers, T., Mitchell, H. and Bock, M. (2014). Atmospheric methane isotope records during MIS 4. EUG Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

Faïn, X., Chappellaz, J.,Rhodes, R., Stowasser, C., Blunier, T., McConnell, J.,Brook, E., Desbois, T., and Romanini, D. (2014). Multisite high resolution measurements of carbon monoxide along Greenland ice cores: evidence for in-situ production and potential for atmospheric reconstruction. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

Rhodes, R, Brook, E., McConnell, J., Romanini, D., Maselli, O., Buizert, C., and Sowers, T. (2014). Continuous methane record of abrupt climate change 10-68 ka: sighting Heinrich events in the ice core record. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Buizert, C., et al. (2014). Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation. NEEM steering committee meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Sowers, T. (2014). A decade of clathrate guns: still smoking? Gordon Research Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates. Galvenston, Texas.

Lee, J., Brook, E., Bertler, N., Blunier, T., Vallelonga, P., and Dahl-Jensen, D. (2014). Preliminary gas age timescale for RICE from cross-correlation of methane to WDC06A. RICE Chronology Workshop, Seattle, WA.

C. Buizert et al. (2013). Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Sowers, T. and Molby, L. (2013). The interpolar CH4 gradient associated with DO#7. Fall 2013 AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Sigl, M., McConnell, J., Toohey, M., Maselli, O., Pasteris, D., Layman, L., Isaksson, E., Kawamura, K., Motizuki, Y., Edwards, R., Curran, M., Das, S., and Krueger, K. (2013). Volcanic forcing during the Common Era reevaluated based on new ice core evidence. AGU, Fall Meeting Suppl., Eos Trans Abstract PP41B-04. San Francisco, CA.

Lundin, J., Arthern, R., Buizert, C., Cummings, E., Essery, R., Ligtenberg, S., Orsi, A., Simonsen, S., Brook, E., Leahy, W., Stevens, C., Harris, P., and Waddington, E. (2013). Inter-Comparison Experiment/Exercise (FirnMICE}. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Lundin, J., Arthern, R., Buizert, C., Cummings, E., Essery, R., Ligtenberg, S., Orsi, A., Simonsen, S., Leahy, W., Stevens, C., Harris, P., and Waddington, E. (2013). Mass-balance inferences from the Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment (FirnMICE). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Harris, P., Lundin, J., Stevens, C., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E. (2013). A Web-Based Polar Firn Model to Motivate Interest in Climate ED41B-0746. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Leahy, W., Arthern, R., Buizert, C., Cummings, E., Essery, R., Ligtenberg, S., Orsi, A., Simonsen, S., Brook, E., Stevens, C., Harris, P., Lundin, J., and Waddington, E. (2013). The Firn Model Inter-Comparison Experiment: Characterizing uncertainty in the physics of firn densification through data visualization. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Rhodes, R. , Brook, E., McConnell, J., Blunier, T., Maselli, O., Romanini, D., and Sowers, T. (2013). Ultra-high resolution continuous methane: Insights into abrupt climate changes. (Invited). Comer Foundation Abrupt Climate Change Changelings Discussion, Madison, WI.

McConnell, J. (2013). Ice cores and aerosols: Insights from new generation continuous ice core analyses. Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Seminar Series, Cambridge, MA.

Edwards, Jon (2013). Air content. WAIS Divide, La Jolla, CA. 

Rhodes, R, Brook, E., McConnell, J., Romanini, D., Maselli, O., Buizert, C., and Sowers, T. (2013). Ultra-High Resolution Continuous Methane: Insights into Abrupt Climate Changes of the Last Glacial Period. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Sigl, M., McConnell, J., Maselli, O., Pasteris, D., Chellman, N., Layman, L., Rhodes, R., Cole-Dai, J., Isaksson, E., Severi, M., Kipfstuhl, S., Kawamura, K., Motizuki, Y., Toohey, M., Rasmussen, S., and Fudge, T.J. (2013). The WAIS Divide sulfur record – 68ka of explosive volcanism. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.
Rhodes, R., Fain X.,, Stowasser, C., Chappellaz, J., Blunier, T., McConnell, J., Mitchell, L., and Brook, E. (2013). Excess methane spikes in Greenlandic glacial ice: in-situ production by psychrophiles?. 5th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Big Sky, MT.
Severinghaus, J., Buizert , C., Baggenstos, D., Rhodes, R., Brook, E., Sowers, T., Fudge, T.J., McConnell, J., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H. and Wang, X. (2013). Stratigraphic Dating of the 30-68 ka Portion of the WAIS Divide Core Using Methane, the Layer-Counted Greenland Ice Cores, and Links to Stalagmites. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Buizert, C., Baggenstos, D., Brook, E., Cuffey, K., Fudge, T.J., Markle, B., McConnell, J., Rhodes, R., Severinghaus, J., Sowers, T., Steig, E., and Taylor, K. (2013). Inter-Hemispheric Timing of the Thermal Bipolar Seesaw During Abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger Events. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA. 

Rhodes, R., Brook, E., McConnell, J., Romanini, D., Maselli, O., Buizert C., and Sowers, T. (2013.). Ultra-High Resolution Continuous Methane: Insights into Abrupt Climate Changes of the Last Glacial Period. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Buizert, C., et al. (2013). Inter-hemispheric timing of the thermal bipolar seesaw during abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger events. WAIS Divide Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA. 

Buizert, C. et al. (2013). Greenland temperature response to climate forcing during the last deglaciation.PIRE Firn Workshop, La Jolla, CA.

Buizert C., et al. (2013). Radiometric 81Kr dating reveals 120,000 year old ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy.

Lundin J., Greve, R., Rasmussen, S., Seierstad, I., and. Waddington, E. (2013). An updated chronology and inference of climate evolution for the GISP2 ice core from Summit, Greenland. Japan Geophysical Union (JpGU) Conference, Chiba-city, Japan.

Leahy, W., Lundin, L., Sevens, M., Harris, P., and and Waddington, E. (2013). Firn Model Inter-comparison. Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Harris, P., Lundin, J., Sevens, M., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E. (2013). A Web-Based Community Firn Model. Undergraduate Research Symposium. Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Harris, P., Lundin, J., Sevens, M., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E. (2013). Firn-Densification Modeling, ESS Gala, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Leahy, W., Lundin, L., Sevens, M., Harris, P., and and Waddington, E. (2013). An Online Community Model for Firn Densification. ESS Gala, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Ludin, J., et al. (2013). Firn Model Inter-Comparison Project (FirnMICE). European Geophysical Union Splinter Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

Lundin, J., Waddington, E., Koutnik, M., and Conway, H. (2013). Self-consistent ice-sheet evolution and paleoclimate. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

Stevens, M., Lundin, L., Harris, P., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E. (2012). A community model for transient evolution of firn density and firn air. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Rosen, J. L., Brook, E.J., Lee, J.E., Edwards, J.S., Rhodes, R., Blunier, T., and Stowasser, C. (2012). Variations in the methane interpolar gradient during the last glacial termination. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Rosen, J., Brook, E., Severinghaus, J., Mitchell, L., Blunier, T., and Stowasser, C. (2012). New Insights on the Phasing of Atmospheric Methane and Temperature Change During the Last Glacial Termination from the North Greenland Eemian (NEEM) Ice Core. Fall 2012 AGU, San Francisco, CA.

Harris, P., Lundin, J., Sevens, M., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E (2012). Firn-Densification Modeling. Applied Mathematics 383, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Rhodes, R., Brook, E., McConnell, J., Blunier, T., Lee, J., Edwards, J., Rosen, and J., Stowasser, C. (2012).  An ultra-high resolution continuous record of methane variations during the last glacial-interglacial transition from the WAIS Divide ice core. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl. San Francisco, CA.

Lee, J. E., Brook, E.J., Gupta, F., and Dong, F (2012).  A new laser spectrometer for measurement of the carbon isotope ratio (_13C) of methane in air and application to ice core studies.  AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Bauska, T.K., Baggenstos, D., Brook, E.J., Severinghaus, J.P., Mix, A.C., Petrenko, V.V., Schaefer, H., and Lee, J. E., (2012). Deglacial carbon cycle dynamics: A high-precision, high-resolution record of the 13C of atmospheric CO2 from the Taylor Glacier horizontal ice core. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Marcott, S., Brook, E., Bauska, T., Rosen, J., Edwards, J., Lee, J., and Sowers, T. (2012). A CO2 Record from the WAIS Divide Ice Core. Synthesis of Transient Climate Evolution of the last 21-kyr. Workshop, Providence, RI.

Stevens, M., Lundin, L., Harris, P., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E. (2012,). A web-based community model for transient thermo-mechanical evolution of firn density and firn air. Graduate Climate Conference, University of Washington Pack Forest Conference Center, Eatonville, WA.

Stevens, M., Lundin, L., Harris, P., Leahy, W., and Waddington, E. (2012). Firn Modeling at UW: A Community Approach. Northwest Glaciologists Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Chappellaz, J., Blunier, T., Faïn, X., Rhodes, R., Stowasser, C., Bigler, M., Brook, E., Dallmayr, R., Gkinis, V., McConnell, J., Mitchell, L., Pascual, O., Rhodes, R., Romanini, D., Rosen, J., and Schüpbach, S. (2012). Continuous CH4 concentration measurements by CFA and laser absorption spectroscopy along the NEEM core. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences. First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Faïn, X., Chappellaz, J., Romanini, D., Blunier, T., Stowasser, C., Rhodes, R., Petrenko, V., Brook, E., McConnell, J., Severinghaus, J., and Bigler, M. (2012). Measuring Carbon Monoxide in ice archives: where do we stand? International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Keegan, K., Albert, M., Baker, I., and McConnell, J. (2012). NEEM Firn Melt Layers. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Buizert, C., Sowers, T., and Blunier, T (2012). On the diffusive isotopic fractionation of trace gases in polar firn. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Rhodes, R., Brook, E., McConnell, J., Blunier, T., Lee, J., Edwards, J., Stowasser, C., and Sowers, T. (2012). An ultra-high resolution continuous record of methane variations during the last glacial-interglacial transition from the WAIS Divide ice core. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Marcott, S., Brook, E., Bauska, T., Rosen, J., Edwards, J., Lee, J., and Sowers, T. (2012). The Role of Abrupt Climate Change in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Variations During the Last Deglaciation.  International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Brook, E. J., Rhodes, R.H., Marcott, S.M., Edwards, J., Lee, J., Rosen, J., Bauska, T., McConnell J., et al.  (2012). Deglacial CO2 and CH4 Dynamics from the WAIS Divide Ice Core. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Edwards, J., Brook, E., Lee, J., Fudge, T.J., Steig, E., and White, J. (2012). Total Air Content from West Antarctic Ice Sheet through the Last Termination. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Edwards, J., Brook, E., Lee, J., Fudge, T.J., Steig, E., and White, J. (2012). Total Air Content from the WAIS Divide Ice Core through the Last Termination. Graduate Climate Conference, University of Washington, Pack Forest, WA.

Lee, J. E., Brook, E.J., Gupta, F., and Dong, F. (2012).  A new laser spectrometer for measurement of the carbon isotope ratio (_13C) of methane in air and application to ice core studies. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Rosen, J.L., Brook, E.J., and Severinghaus, J.P (2012). Firn layering and its effects on ice core gas records. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Lundin, J., Waddington, E., Koutnik, M., and Conway, H. (2012). Self-consistent Ice-Sheet Evolution and Paleoclimate. International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, Giens, France.

Lundin J., Stevens, M., Harris, P., Leahy, W. and Waddington, E. (2012). A community firn-densification and gas-transport model. NSF PIRE Partner Conference, La Londe, France.

Lundin J., Stevens, M., Harris, P., Leahy, W. and Waddington, E. (2012). A web-based community model for transient thermo-mechanical evolution of firn density and firn air. WAIS Cores Conference, San Diego, CA.

Lundin J., Stevens, M., Harris, P., Leahy, W. and Waddington, E. (2012). WAIS Divide : A community model for transient thermo-mechanical evolution of firn density. Pack Forrest, WA.

WAIS-D project members (2012).  The small ice age-gas age difference of the WAIS-D ice core and the potential for synchronization of paleoclimatic records. WAIS Divide Ice core Science Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Edwards, J., Brook, E., Lee, J., Mitchell, L., Fudge, T.J., Steig, E., White, J., McConnell, J., Severinghaus, J., and Baggenstos, D. (2012.). Total Air Content from the WAIS Divide Core through the Last Termination. WIAS Divide Meeting, La Jolla, CA.

Sigl, M., McConnell, J.R., Layman, L., Maselli, O., Pasteris, D., Brook, E., Rhodes R., Winckler G., and Dunbar, N. (2012).  Highresolution trace element analysis of the “Old Faithful” layer from the WAIS Divide ice core. 2012 SCAR Open Science Meeting, Portland, OR.

Rosen, J.L., Brook, E.J., and Severinghaus, J.P. (2012). Firn layering and its effects on ice core gas records: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. 2012 SCAR Open Science Meeting, Portland, OR.

Rhodes, R., Fäin, X., Chappellaz, J., Blunier, T., McConnell, J., Brook, E., and Stowasser, C. (2012).  Continuous gas measurements along the NEEM S1 core: new insights into ice core methane signals. 2012 SCAR Open Science Meeting, Portland, OR.


Lundin, J., and Waddington, E. (2012). A new coupled transient firn model. International Glaciological Society Meeting, Fairbanks, AK.


Lundin, J. and Waddington, E.D., (2012). A new thermomechanical transient firn model. Conference Proceedings of Collection. IGS Symposium Glaciers and Ice Sheets in a Warming Climate, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Buizert, C. et al. (2012). Radiometric dating of ancient glacial ice using 81Kr. International Workshop on Tracer Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides. International Workshop on Tracer Applications of Noble Gas Radionuclides, Argonne Natl Laboratory, Chicago, IL.


Blunier, T., Chappellaz, J., Schuepbach, S., Stowasser, Ch., Brook, E., Rosen, J., Dallmayr, R., Pascual, O., Bigler, M., and Leuenberger, D. (2012). Steps Towards a Continuous Methane Concentration Record Back to 100 kyr BP. Abstract Poster Programme. EGU2012-5578, Abstract Published of Collection: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Chappellaz, J., Blunier, T., Faïn, X., Stowasser, C., Gkinis, V., Brook, E., Rhodes, R., McConnell, J., et al. (2012).. Deglacial CO2 and CH4 Dynamics and carbon monoxide concentration measurements along the NEEM core. European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.


Bauska, T., Brook, E.J., Mix, A.C., and Ahn, J. (2012). A New High-Precision Record of δ13C of CO2 During the Last Millennium From the WAIS Divide Ice Core. Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria.